Girl RIsing in the DRC

Empowering girls to exercise their rights to an education.

Entertainment Education to Empower Girls

Girl Rising is a groundbreaking film that tells the story of how nine girls went against the grain of their community’s traditional values and exercised their rights to an education. The Girl Rising movement is a global effort to change the way communities value girls and their education.

ASSP partnered with Girl Rising’s ENGAGE project to showcase the Girl Rising film. First, ASSP and ENGAGE translated the film into three local languages: Swahili, Lingala, and Tshiluba. Then ASSP hired more than 30 community ambassadors to travel to the furthest reaches of the DRC. ASSP succeeded in showing the film in four of its project provinces: Nord Ubangi, Maniema, Tshopo, and Kasai. As a result, the film received more than 700,000 views during the year-long Ambassador Program.


movie nights were hosted in four out of five assisted provinces during the nine-month program.

Each movie night received an average of 350 attendees, for a total of over 700,000 views.

Key Achievements


From July of 2016 to March of 2017, a total of 2,034 movie nights were held. Each movie night received an average of 350 attendees, for a total of over 700,000 views in this time period.


IMA’s Ambassadors used ODK software to collect event data and mapped 97% of project health areas in provinces where the program was implemented.

far reaching

In a survey of 5% of the population in Nord Ubangi, 15% of households reported attending at least one movie night and in four health zones attendance reached over 20%. Of the households that reported attending, 92% were able to correctly recall movie night messaging three months after the most recent campaign had ended.

message recall

The same survey revealed that 92% of those who attended a movie night were able to correctly recall media messaging.

ASSP Ambassador Program

Read more about ASSP’s work to show the Girl Rising film and other life-saving behavior change communication films through its Ambassador Program.

read more about our work to empower girls in the drc


Behavior Change Communication

Ambassador Program Brochure – September 2019 (English version) (version française)

Girl Rising, ASSP-ENGAGE Final Report – March 2017 (pdf)


    1730 M Street, NW, Suite 1100        Washington, DC 20036


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